Monday, April 16, 2012

Joints of the Thumb - Learn the strict Names of All Three of Them

In this series of articles, I'll go through some of these terms along with some helpful diagrams and shed some light on the base language of hand and arm surgery.

Trigger Finger Surgery

The three joints are as follows:

* Carpometacarpal (Cmc)
* Metacarpophalangeal (Mp)
* Interphalangeal (Ip)


The Cmc joint of the thumb is settled at the junction point of the thumb and the wrist. Break down the words in the name, carpometacarpal, and you get carpo- (wrist) and metacarpal (hand bone). This joint is ordinarily affected by arthritis.

The Cmc joint's main function is to allow the thumb to open and grasp wide objects, like a basketball or (for us mortals) a large glass of your popular beverage.


The Mp joint of the thumb is the middle joint of the thumb, settled between the Cmc joint and the tip of the thumb. Break down the words in the name, metacarpophalangeal, and you get metacarpo- (hand bone) and phalangeal (finger bone). This joint moves a lot in some citizen and just a slight in other people. Assess Mp thumb joints nearby your house and you may find some big differences.

Sometimes this joint is injured when you jam it in a skiing or sports injury. This causes the joint to pop out of place and tear a ligament. This is sometimes called skiier's thumb. The ligament can heal without surgery if it's not moved out of place.


The Ip joint of the thumb is at the tip of the thumb. The word interphalangeal means "between the phalanges". Foremost tendons attach on the bottom and top of this joint and move the tip of your thumb back and forth.

If you jam your thumb and the tip of the thumb doesn't move normally, this could be a sign of a ruptured or torn tendon. Tendons move joints - when a tendon is ripped off the bone, the joint no longer moves normally.

Familiarity with the language of the joints of the thumb will help streamline your visit with a hand specialist or other health care provider.

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