It is the ability to work within the body's framework to move the life force (Chi) to un-block malfunctions and / or dis-ease in the body: Using the fingertips to 'feel' the pulsations of vigor intelligent this vigor where it is needed. Learning to sense a weakened organ or principles in the body's inner life-line. It is Acupressure to some degree. Systematic Bio Energetics and Acupressure an ancient Therapy for tension and pain relief.
Have you ever hit your finger with a hammer or accomplished it in a door? What was the first thing you did? Right, you held onto it and squeezed it. You put pressure on the injury. maybe you have had a ill and put your fingers to your temples to relax the pain, somehow it seemed to help. You indeed do not know why, it just does and it seemed the thing to do at the time. The impulse that makes you duplicate over and press your stomach in response to abdominal cramps is someone else example of the instinctive institution of acupressure. It may well be the most ancient form of physical therapy.
Trigger Finger Surgery
Over 5000 years ago, the Chinese discovered sure points on the body which, when pressed, punctured or heated, had beneficial effects on sure ailments. through trial and error and time more and more points were discovered that not only alleviated pain but also influenced the functioning of internal organs. More recently, high-tech tool has scientifically revealed that these points indeed have a higher electrical conductivity on the surface of the skin.
In customary Chinese medicine, methods range from the most natural to the most intrusive. The most down-to-earth, natural curative methods, such as breathing exercises, dietary therapy, acupressure and herbology, were and are still used as a people's form of hands-on healing. If more medicine was needed, acupuncture and chiropractic were used as more complex and manipulative, followed by drugs and surgery, which used the most drastic interventions in last -resort medicine. It should still be this way today! however habitancy use the drastic form of curative first and as a last resort will try the natural way to help the body to heal.
It's hard for habitancy to understand how or why the body heals by just touching it. We do not feel it's vital to understand this concept, just accept it. It is a natural and amazing way of helping one another. When sure points on the body are touched they connect with a reflex of the pain, along with muscle tension or trauma that has been stored in the body for a long time. This causes a issue and the body can heal on its own. Acupuncture and acupressure use the same meridian points. The fundamental dissimilarity lies in the needles used in acupuncture and the gentle but firm pressure of acupressure. Although the older of the two techniques, acupressure tended to be overlooked as the Chinese developed more "technological" methods for stimulating points with needles and electricity. However, using the power and sensitivity of the human hand and the mind, acupressure continues to be more sufficient in relieving tension related ailment in self-treatment and in preventive health care.
Many ailments and dis-ease can be the effect of too much stress intelligent the body's balancing systems beyond their limits. The resulting tension and internal stress inhibit the body's ability to cope effectively with the disrupting condition. To relax muscular tension and equilibrium the vital military of the body's homeostasis specific points and meridians, are used.
Systematic Bio Energetics practitioner's consider symptoms to be an expression of the health of the man as a whole. Thus, when Systematic Bio Energetics is used as a holistic approach, it works before the constrictions and toxins have caused damage to the internal organs.
It is our confidence that tension is a stagnation of the physical flows: the nerves, meridians, lymphatic ducts and blood vessels. Lack of exercise, a poor diet, alcohol and drugs all contribute significantly to this stagnation. Emotional repression, neurotic habits, as well as the common stresses of day to day life can cause blocks in the life flow of energy. either known or not, lock the homeostasis mechanism of the body, restricting permissible functioning. Headaches are one example of the body's warning signals. They indicate muscular tension and inherent oxygen deprivation in the brain. Instead of taking aspirin to repress such a signal by cutting off the body's natural alarm system, Systematic Bio Energetics technique releases the tight, constricted muscles to accurate the imbalance and its cause. There are many inherent causes of headaches. These can contain emotional stress, persisting shoulder and neck tension, which can partially block the circulation of the blood to the head; meridian imbalances; cervical misalignment, which creates strain on the head / neck muscles and pinched nerves; intestinal congestion. In ultimate cases, headaches can signify more serious conditions.
A estimate of chemical changes take place in the body during a Systematic Bio Energetics treatment. One such convert deals with the sedation of pain. The body produces its own painkillers, known as endorphins., which are five to ten times more grand than morphine. Endorphins are produced by the pituitary gland and can inhibit the transmission of the pain signals through the spinal cord.
Studies have revealed that pain signals tour along the nerve pathways to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, beginning a complex reflex action. From the spinal cord the impulses is relayed to the thalamus, where the sensations of heat, cold, pain, and touch are recognized. The thalamus forwards the impulse along to the cerebral cortex where the intensity and location of the pain is recognized. The brain then sends signals back through the spinal cord to issue endorphins. However, agreeing to the "gate control theory", the nervous principles can write back to only a little estimate of sensory information at one time. When the principles becomes overloaded it short-circuits or closes a gate, reducing the estimate of sensory information ready for processing. The application of Systematic Bio Energetics encourages the brain to produce more endorphins while the pressure also acts to confuse the body with too many sensations to write back to, forcing the body to close the "Pain Gates". This interrupts the pain cycle, eases the pain and helps the body to relax.
The institution of my work has developed primarily through a mixture of instinct and hands-on experience. Its principles and curative techniques have also been influenced by the gift of curative through my near-death perceive which enabled me to "feel or see" trigger points and use the ancient meridians as well as the sensory and autonomic nervous principles to move this natural vigor to an area that is blocked or lacks the impulse to stimulate its self to heal. Acupressure is an ancient art in itself, however, like most practitioners in this field of work, I have developed a more develop recipe of using it. I feel I have used the best of both worlds.
What makes Systematic Bio Energetics distinct from other vigor work:
Systematic Bio Energetics works inside the physical body (by way of the etheric body) using the minds eye to "see or sense" a malfunction or dis-ease. Knowing the anatomy of the body: what organs, glands, and the skeletal structure look like then using the mind's eye to see the organ or gland and direct the vigor form the hands to the points. Using the nervous systems, meridians and pressure points to facilitate healing. What sets it apart? Knowing the Body! The intent behind the vigor movement!
Is vigor Real! How do I know I can make it work?
Yes...! vigor is real! Have you ever looked up into the sun and then accomplished your eyes and saw spots? The vigor that comes into your eyes from the sun affected the Optic Nerve in the eye causing vigor to vibrate the nerve. I can also prove it to you in someone else way: take a red light bulb into a totally dark room, like your closet or bathroom and make sure there is no light is let in. Put the light into a small lamp and let your eyes get used to the red light. Then look down at your hands and you will see the vigor field playing in the middle of your fingers. This is how I discovered that vigor was real. You can pull the vigor from colse to your fingers, stretch it and by wiggling your fingers the vigor turns color!
You have an vigor field...and by knowing where it is, and how to use it can help to equilibrium a weakened vigor circuit in a client that has a dis-ease or malfunction in their body. A Systematic Bio Energetics medicine is more than just acupressure. A medicine will contain a counseling session to find the root cause of the malfunction in the body. curative science no believes that over 90% of the physical dis-ease and curative symptoms are caused by stress and emotional trauma. So a practitioner will address these issues. We also treat the dietary situations of our clients. We work on sugar sensitivity and bring the body into a healthy well being. Treating Body Mind and Spirit.
Anyone that feels they have a gift of healing, or indeed desire to help habitancy can learn this new technique. It is amazing for Chiropractors, Nurses, Elder-Care Givers, Massage Therapist. For information on how you can learn this amazing new approach to health-care you can email: Heather K. Flanders
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