Did you know that science and treatment are finally in business transaction with religion on many points? I am not saying that science, or medicine, maintain any particular set of beliefs, or dogma; I am saying that we can express the words and deeds of the great healers and teachers - men like Jesus, for instance - in scientific terms which maintain some of the oldest wisdom teachings on the planet, such as: "As a man thinketh," and "Judge not..." That's pretty cool, because those teachings were intended to make our lives good and happier - to give us use of our natural abilities to create and even to heal ourselves. And who doesn't want their life to be better?
Trigger Finger Surgery
Thanks to science and medicine, we can good understand the mechanism and pathway straight through which our thoughts create our bodies, health, and lives. And based on these findings, we can inspect a sort of "Belief Formula" which can be reliably applied to help us create more of what we want and less of what we don't want. When we get sick, something causes it; when we get better, something causes that, too. Until now, we have been told that a germ makes you sick; and pills make you better. Well, that's not what Jesus was saying, nor was it what Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said; and it isn't what the latest scientific and healing study tells us, either.
The latest treatment on the planet agrees with the oldest treatment on the planet - and it uses the principles of measure Physics to do it. Jesus said, "As a man thinketh, so it is done unto him..." He was quoting some of the richest, most successful population on the planet - population who wrote those words thousands of years earlier. Albert Einstein, one of the fathers of measure Physics, said that "imagination is more important than knowledge," indicating that he was aware creation did not emerge from text books, nor did E=mc²; it came from the mind - from the imagination. New things come from reasoning about new things. The things you believe in happen "according to your beliefs," as Jesus put it, or "according to the laws of physics," as Einstein would have put it.
But they were both saying the same thing. Physics has shown us that our reality is generated from waves of possibilities that only come into existence when we inspect them and think about them. That may sound pretty strange; but think about it in the terms of your health for a moment. The American Psychological connection (Apa) has estimated that stress is a causative factor in about 90% of all healing problems; they have also said that perhaps 90% of all doctor's office visits are due to stress-related complaints. Here's how that works: healing problems are caused by stress; and stress is caused when you think about your life in a unavoidable way.
It goes like this: You have a set of beliefs about how population should act and be; and then you go to work with someone, or are married to someone, who does many things you would rather they not do. In other words, they aren't the way they should be. Agreeing to the way you were taught (programmed) to think about other people, this person is not acting right. perhaps they are being rude, mean, careless, or any of a number of ways that might irritate you. They irritate you because you think they should be an additional one way. If this person were acting the way you wanted them to, that wouldn't be irritating. Any time we want things to be a way they aren't, we feel stress.
Your thoughts about the way that person should be, and the way you are observing that person to be, are not congruent with each other, and it is causing you stress. When you have made such a judgment, a part of your brain called the Amygdala initiates a series of events called the "stress response." Signals are sent via the nervous principles to the endocrine glands, which publish stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones, as well as other "molecules of emotion," act on the cells of your body causing various corporeal changes that wouldn't be happening if you were laughing with this same person who has just "pushed your buttons." It is your judgment of the person and situation that triggers the publish of chemicals that you assuredly feel as discomfort.
If you make a judgment, you are reasoning thoughts that are stressful and harmful to the body in a very real way. Reconsider how specific these messages are: Worry releases hormones that make our stomach feel fluttery (we call it butterflies); fear can make knees weak, or pants wet; but anger doesn't do the same thing; neither does laughter. We innately know that our nerves carry these signals from the brain; when we feel an excessive, or chaotic, energy in our nervous system, we assuredly tell people, "It's my nerves," or "I'm nervous." When person allows fear to override their desire to do something, they are said to have "lost their nerve."
The nerves, however, are naturally the middle man. What Jesus, Einstein, and all the rest are trying to clue us in on is that the signals trashing our nerves, bodies, and health, are being generated in the brain in response to Thoughts. If you think assuredly about your health, you will be able to immediately enhance your health. This is a big subject, but the mind-body connection is not something to take lightly; your body is a direct reflection of your mind. If you can learn to understand this relationship, you can operate your health, happiness, and life, with a great degree of satisfaction.
All healing symptoms are created by the stress response and the immune principles as they talk to your thoughts and effort to safe you and avow equilibrium at the same time. These systems talk whenever they believe they need to in order to safe you from a threat, or a foreign invader. Most healing interventions involve removing the part of the body that "appears" to be malfunctioning, using chemicals to replace natural processes, or using chemicals to halt natural processes - such as immune responses (coughing, vomiting, sneezing, etc...) which are designed to rid your body of toxins. We have been led to believe that a cough is bad; but a cough is nature's way of clearing your airways of potentially harmful debris or pathogens. Suppressing a cough is a misguided effort to seek comfort at the cost of your lungs and health.
There are many ways our beliefs have been used against us in the past; treatment is naturally one which has a profound and direct follow on our lives. But let's move forward; healing research, in an effort to sell drugs, has shed light on the power of reliance to cure all diseases - just like Hippocrates (the Father of medicine) and Jesus would tell you if they were here today. Reconsider miracle cures and the placebo response. These terms are naturally ways of masking your body's natural potential to heal - distracting us from the truth. Everyone's heard of "miracle cures," and "miraculous healings;" but what are placebos, and what's the variation between healing one way or another?
A placebo is naturally a remedy which has no known healing properties - like a sugar pill. Now, this is a healing perspective; but the truth is placebos have the same healing properties as anyone else. Placebos have all the time been used by physicians; in fact, until the past century, most treatment was placebo. population had been taught that they needed something from outside of themselves in order to heal; so physicians gave them what they wanted in the form of bread pills and drops of colored water. The definition of placebo is simply, "I shall please."
And please they did. population have all the time benefited from taking placebos, and they still do today - much to the chagrin of the pharmaceutical companies! Today, since "everyone knows sugar can't cure you...," pharmaceutical clubs use placebos as a operate to compare their new drugs to. One test group takes the new drug; while the other takes sugar pills, or something that resembles the "real" drug or procedure. Ideally, for the pharmaceutical companies, the real drug should outperform the sugar pills; but they rarely do! And even in the few cases where they do, the fact sugar pills all the time work in some division of the population clearly demonstrates that it isn't what's inside the pill that matters; the healing asset of all pills is in the guess for taking the pill and the act of taking the pill.
The placebo response is what the healing society calls it when you get good from taking a fake drug. But good is better; there's nothing fake about that. And, since every placebo study has produced unavoidable results in the placebo group - no matter what the disease process - it is inaccurate to continue to define placebos as having no "known" healing properties. It is well documented that if you take a placebo, there is a assuredly good opening - by healing standards - that you will get better. This has been shown to be true even when the population taking sugar pills were told they were being given placebo. So, do placebos have "known healing properties?" They sure do; in fact, the only thing pharmaceuticals have that placebos don't is hazardous chemicals that act in unpredictable ways. The "active" ingredient in a placebo, as with a drug - is you.
This is the reliance formula (A=PxB) in action. My cure (A) is the follow of (=) my action, or prayer (P) as powered, or multiplied by my reliance (B) in the possibility that performance will create the desired response, or talk to my prayer. A=PxB. "If I take this pill, I will get better..." Gulp... "I can feel it working already!" With computers, this is called "If/Then" programming: If this happens, Then this other thing will result. In the Universe, we call it "Cause and Effect;" and it is one of the Laws taught by all the great teachers and healers throughout history. Of course, they taught us to focus and rely more on the faith, or reliance (B) part of the equation, than on the prop, technique, or performance we contracted to achieve as our part of the process - like taking pills and having surgery.
With enough faith, you don't need much of a corporeal intervention. Of course, faith of this magnitude is so rare that when we encounter it, we immediately point our finger and scream, "It's a miracle!" every person knows that many of the people, who stand before tele-evangelists and receive a "healing" by being slapped on the head, are part of the show; but not every miraculous healing is a sham. Even some of those you see on television are real. The fact is that population have all the time experienced miraculous healings; and in an practically infinite range of ways - healing spring waters, prayer, blessings from a statue, viewing a corpse, and many other ways that sound kind of strange. The base factor in all healings, besides disease, is a desire to heal and faith that this performance could furnish healing. In fact, this is true whether you are talking about placebos, holy fountains, religious relics, prescribe drugs, surgery, prayer, or any of the ways population have used to restore health and wellness to their diseased bodies, minds, and lives.
Consider that not every person who takes treatment gets better; and not every person who gets good did it with medicine. treatment is not the healing variable in the equation of wellness. The same applies with any of the methods listed above - together with prayer. Even if you use faith as your car for healing, you still must believe that it is possible, or you do not have the requisite factor in your healing equation, or reliance Formula. Remember, Jesus told people, "It is your faith that has healed you..." He did not tell them that it was His hands, or "this pill," or to take two aspirins and pray to Him in the morning. Throughout what we have been told are the teachings of Jesus, He is consistently unambiguous: The way you think and believe is what causes your life for good or worse, so don't make idle judgments - they will come upon you. Think about what you want; and do this always.
Let's look at an example of how this same principle affects your life in a broader way. You stay at that job that stresses you out because you "thinketh" you have to stay. This is naturally a lack of courage or creativity. You were looking for that job when you found it, weren't you? And what about that time person told you that you couldn't do something, and you Believed them? When you believe something that naturally means you have standard a plan into your basic operating system. If you don't think you can do something, you probably won't try; on the other hand, population who are very good at unavoidable things must have tried them at some point - probably because they were reasoning about that thing.
I have seen, and used, the power of a plan to change lives. My guidance to anyone in this Universe is to Reconsider the life you are now living as an experiment in thought. Start keeping up with your thoughts and see what you think about most of the time. We get to think of things and then live the corporeal reality of our thoughts. Your life will unfold for you "As you thinketh..." If all you think about is how miserable your life is, you'll probably be getting more of the same. They say, "You can't afford the luxury of a negative thought;" and the Chinese have said, for thousands of years, "Be specific what you wish for, you will probably get it." Is this any dissimilar than saying, "The thing I greatly feared has come upon me," or "As a man thinketh, so it is done unto him."? Henry Ford said, "If you think you can, or think you can't - you're right!" There's nothing religious about this; it is naturally the way it works in this Universe.
We all live in this Universe; we all have access to the mind; and we all think. We also feel the results of our thoughts as corporeal realities. The laws apply to all of us, whether we are good or bad ("God sends his rain upon the good and evil alike..."), and regardless of what language we speak. The only things you will ever feel in this corporeal world are the results of someone's thoughts; and you'll have a hard time denying that it was your thoughts that lead you to that experience. Good and bad are naturally judgments, if you must make them; just remember that you can't call an additional one person or thing "bad" without reasoning about "bad." If you are reasoning about bad, this is what you can expect in your future. It might be kind of scary at first to think that you are in operate of all that you are experiencing, but fear not; have fun and keep your thoughts on those things that are good - those things you want more of in your life.
Understand that your body and mind work like a computer and its software. While you are growing up, you are engaging programming continuously. When you reach the age of about 14, you begin to use that facts to fit yourself into your world - the world as you have been taught to see it. If you program your computer to play rock music straight through its speakers, it isn't a Rock Star; it is still just a computer doing what it was programmed to do. Any occasion you aren't consciously selecting what you are reasoning and doing, your subconscious mind is randomly - or not so randomly - executing programs that were loaded into you by who knows who, who knows when.
Not many population can stay conscious all the time; when we encounter one of those individuals who can, we call them a Master, or something reflecting the same respect, awe, or admiration. Anyone, however, can spend time paying attention to their thoughts and installing more creative, more productive, kinder, wiser, thoughts with the intention that when you do go on "autopilot," your subconscious mind has a higher potential of software from which to pick - as it creates your hereafter for you by guiding your words and actions. This is where prayer, affirmations, self-hypnosis, and hypnosis come into the photo as options for programming yourself to think more effectively, and to think more assuredly when your attention and focus shift to "idle."
The incommunicable to staying happy and salutary is to keep your mind on happy and salutary things. You might not think that this is much of a secret; but what on Earth could be more important than being happy and healthy? Having a respectable job? Having the right car? development the right number of money doing something you hate, or something you know is bad for population and the environment? Your life's purpose isn't filling the shoes others have made for you, or convinced you to wear; your purpose is being happy - to keep trying things until you find that which makes you happiest of all. Your health and your life are your only indicators of how well you are listening to your heart's desires; so listen up! Your life is talking to you.
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